Alfred Hitchcock

Title: Alfred Hitchcock
Category: /Entertainment/Movies & Film
Details: Words: 1244 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred HitchcockAlfred's Cameos | Inside the Master | The Filmography | Clips & Trailers Inside the Master of Suspense by Robert HortonMidway through Vertigo, "Scottie" Ferguson (James Stewart) and Madeleine (Kim Novak) have wandered through the redwoods and come to the edge of the crashing ocean. Despite the fact that he is an out-of-work cop, hired to follow her around by her worried husband, they are growing intimate. There is a problem, aside from the husband: Madeleine is spellbound, …showed first 75 words of 1244 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1244 total…over, the faces of the people cannot be seen. It's a beautiful effect, but it also describes the journey of Vertigo: by the time we get to the end of Hitchcock's story, the world is plunged in darkness, with no solace left but the night, and the wind, and the grave. The lights that come up in the theater after the ending of the film are too late. Welcome to the world of Alfred Hitchcock.

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