An essay on the choices teens have if they become pregnant. It deals with abortion, adoption and with keeping the child.

Title: An essay on the choices teens have if they become pregnant. It deals with abortion, adoption and with keeping the child.
Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
Details: Words: 790 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
An essay on the choices teens have if they become pregnant. It deals with abortion, adoption and with keeping the child.
The choices you have if you become pregnant as a teen By Tobias Berg Oct. 30/03 You are a sixteen-year-old girl and you just found out that you are pregnant, what do you do? As long as teens are sexually active, there are going to be teen pregnancies. We will never be able to stop teens from having sex, but we can educate them, educate them about the consequences of unprotected sex and on the choices …showed first 75 words of 790 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 790 total…of the world. They need you to help them through the rough times. The only thing that parents can do is to teach their teens on the possible consequences of being sexually active, and how to deal with those consequences. In the end, you cannot tell your teen not to be sexually active because the majority of teens will not listen to you. All you can hope for is that they think before they act.

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