Are you convinced by Plato's claim that philosophers should rule.

Title: Are you convinced by Plato's claim that philosophers should rule.
Category: /Social Sciences/Philosophy
Details: Words: 1630 | Pages: 6 (approximately 235 words/page)
Are you convinced by Plato's claim that philosophers should rule.
The title of this paper was "Society originates because the individual is not self sufficient and no two of us are born exactly alike." How does Plato get from that claim to the view that philosophers should rule? Are you convinced by his claim that philosophers should rule." The two concepts stated above are the fundamental ideas that Plato establishes as a starting point to argue for what is in essence a totalitarian society that …showed first 75 words of 1630 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1630 total…such defined and distinct groups each with its different job makes the process of moving between classes very difficult. But the chief problem is that, seeds for such a model will almost be impossible to plant in our political climate, a point which Plato concedes, so that even if Plato's model for a State is something that some of us might seek to aspire to, it remains a pipe dream and a practical in viability.

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