Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution

Title: Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution
Category: /Science & Technology/Chemistry
Details: Words: 1074 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution
Air pollution is a major problem facing our environment today. This dilemma is harmful to every living creature on this planet. How can we limit the causes of air pollution? There are industrial as well as residential causes of air pollution. We need to limit the effects of air pollution. We all know it affects the environment, but it also can affect us directly. Air pollution needs to be controlled. Air pollution can be defined …showed first 75 words of 1074 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1074 total…are being taken to help air pollution will never change the fact that we will most likely always have air pollutions. The industrial life that we have here in the year 2004 leaves us with that one disadvantage. People enjoy being able to travel from place to place, and they enjoy the factories that provide them with the goods that they need. Air pollution can be controlled, but I don't think it could ever be stopped.

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