Document Analysis The Marriage of the Virgin 1500-1504 Oil on round headed panel 170x121cm Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan Raffaello Sanzio, known as Raphael

Title: Document Analysis The Marriage of the Virgin 1500-1504 Oil on round headed panel 170x121cm Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan Raffaello Sanzio, known as Raphael
Category: /Arts & Humanities/Artists
Details: Words: 554 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Document Analysis The Marriage of the Virgin 1500-1504 Oil on round headed panel 170x121cm Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan Raffaello Sanzio, known as Raphael
Document Analysis The Marriage of the Virgin 1500-1504 Oil on round headed panel 170x121cm Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan Raffaello Sanzio, known as Raphael I have chosen The Marriage of the Virgin as a document analysis because I want to contrast this work with works of Perugino, especially Christ giving the Keys to St Peter (1481-1482) and also The Marriage of the Virgin (1500-1504). Raphael was commissioned to produce the work by the Albizzini family …showed first 75 words of 554 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 554 total…apel is developed horizontally which is characteristic of the Quattrocento whereas Raphael uses a 'well developed' circular composition. The temple in Raphael's representation is a polygonal building seemingly more complex than Perugino's temple but perfectly portrayed and gives one a sense of Raphael's complete confidence of the new architectural designs which were emerging through people such as Bramante and Da Vinci and it has been argued that their influence can be seen in this work.

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