Duke Ellington

Title: Duke Ellington
Category: /Arts & Humanities/Music
Details: Words: 1792 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington Where would music be had it not been for the men that stepped before him. The Motzarts and Beethovens, who wrote the music that today is known as the classics. These men were naturals in their own right, but these people wrote their music in the 17th and 18th century. Many people don't realize all of the changes that music had to go through between that period of music and the present day. …showed first 75 words of 1792 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1792 total…New York: Macmillan. 1991. "Duke is Still Tops. Ellington's Relevance goes Beyond Music." Chicago Tribune, 13 December 1995, Tempo, p.1. "Ellington, Duke." The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz. 1978 Ed. "Ellington, Duke." The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. 1988 Ed. "Ellington, Duke." The New Grove Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians. 1980 Ed. Hajdu, David. "Sophisticated Gentleman" Entertainment Weekly. 31 May 1996. P.72-73. Johnson, Robert. "On his 96th Birthday, Duke Ellington Proclaimed 'BEYOND CATAGORY' by Critics of his Great Music." Jet. 15 May 1995. P.58-61.

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