This essay is about video games and it's effects on kids at a young age. I did it from my point of view and people i interviewed, and another essay.

Title: This essay is about video games and it's effects on kids at a young age. I did it from my point of view and people i interviewed, and another essay.
Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
Details: Words: 520 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
This essay is about video games and it's effects on kids at a young age. I did it from my point of view and people i interviewed, and another essay.
Video Games for Kids? He shoots, he scores! No, 6 year old Zack Meyers isn't playing hockey. He's playing NHL 2003, one of the latest hockey video games on the Playstation 2. Although, he's not really scoring a goal, you can't tell by the look on his face. But, are video games a healthy, safe hobby for kids? The answer is yes. Many critics will say that modern video games have far too much violence. They will argue …showed first 75 words of 520 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 520 total…be a lifestyle. Kids should still go outside and play games, do their homework, etc. But, many people bash video games and they don't know the skills they help kids generate, and they make it fun. That is something sports can provide, but not all kids are suited for sports. And let's face it, school can't provide a kid with as much fun as a video game does. That's why it's important to maintain balance.

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