Women in Professional Sports.

Title: Women in Professional Sports.
Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
Details: Words: 637 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Women in Professional Sports.
Women in Professional Sports On October the 24, 2003, Annika Sorenstan will be inducted into the PGA Hall of Fame for her outstanding play on the PGA Tour. Some women seem to think that they can hang with the "big boys". Women will never succeed in a men's sport at the professional level. Women do not have the athleticism to compete, the money and resources to excel, and they do not have the history in the same …showed first 75 words of 637 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 637 total…five in two can be the impeding factor in whether the player wins the tournament or not. A woman will never throw the final pitch of the World Series nor will a woman kick the winning field goal in the Super Bowl, despite what is seen in a Disney movie with a fairy tale ending. Women will never be able to compete with men on professional levels, not even in golf that is a promise.

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