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Letter "O" » optimism
«For me optimism is two lovers walking into the sunset arm in arm. Or maybe into the sunrise-whatever appeals to you.»
«Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.»
«Great leaders are pragmatists who can deal with difficult realities but still have the optimism and courage to act.»
Author: Nitin Nohria | About: Leadership, Optimism | Keywords: leaders, optimism, realities
«Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. And you can do it when things are tough.»
Author: Richard M. DeVos | About: Optimism | Keywords: optimism, push, tough
«I am not a pessimist; to perceive evil where it exists is, in my opinion, a form of optimism.»
«Burnout is nature's way of telling you, you've been going through the motions your soul has departed; you're a zombie, a member of the walking dead, a sleepwalker. False optimism is like administrating stimulants to an exhausted nervous system.»
«Comedy is acting out optimism.»
«Every person has the power to make others happy.Some do it simply by entering a room --others by leaving the room.Some individuals leave trails of gloom;others, trails of joy.Some leave trails of hate and bitterness;others, trails of love and harmony.Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism;others trails of faith and optimism.Some leave trails of criticism and resignation;others trails of gratitude and hope.What kind of trails do you leave?»
«If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn't. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.»
«I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future.»
Author: Ronald Reagan (President) | Keywords: optimism

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