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Letter "P" » process
«Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.»
«Change is not a process for the impatient.»
Author: Barbara Reinhold | About: Change | Keywords: impatient, impatient of, process
«Education is not a product: mark, diploma, job, money in that order; it is a process, a never ending one»
«Faith is a process of leaping into the abyss not on the basis of any certainty about ~where~ we shall land, but rather on the belief that we ~shall~ land.»
«It's the process of writing and life that matters... We are trying to become sane along with our poems and stories.»
«Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ»
«In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.»
«Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame.»
«Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.»
«As you think so shall you be! Since you cannot physically experience another person, you can only experience them in your mind. Conclusion: All of the other people in your life are simply thoughts in your mind. Not physical beings to you, but thoughts. Your relationships are all in how you think about the other people of your life. Your experience of all those people is only in your mind. Your feelings about your lovers come from your thoughts. For example, they may in fact behave in ways that you find offensive. However, your relationship to them when they behave offensively is not determined by their behavior, it is determined only by how you choose to relate to that behavior. Their actions are theirs, you cannot own them, you cannot be them, you can only process them in your mind.»

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